Fonogram produktioner: (435st)
A Butterfly Story (ErocNet)
A Consequence of Happenstance (ErocNet)
A Creature (Nine Orders)
a delicious terror: (ErocNet)
A Distant View (ErocNet)
A Duck in a Tree 2016-08-27 | The Vessel of Light (ErocNet)
A Hope Of Reality (Deflections)
A Million Miles To Go (ErocNet)
A New Damn Dawn (Re-Bastard)
A Place To Start (A Secret River)
A Secret River (A Secret River)
A Wonderful E.P. (Earl and Dallas)
A World Of Mystery (dj STÜRM)
Absolut 80 Tal (Must Be Liverpool)
Adonai (Adonai Malakh)
Adrenaline (Piyasiri)
Affected by Music (På Mé Fritt)
All Is Dream (dj STÜRM)
All Together Now (ErocNet)
Allt Är Alltid Slut (Von Bacchi)
Allt Vad Du Begär... (Gino Renebrant (Trubadur))
Amazing Place (Souper Swamp Singers)
Analyze This (Depressed Freedom)
April To May (ErocNet)
Archives 2011-2012 (ErocNet)
Around Christmas (Oakland)
Attuned (ErocNet)
Automatic Drops in Winter (ErocNet)
Axe (ErocNet)
B.C. (Hell-Us)
Bad 'n' alive (Angelita & The Frogs)
Bara en illusion (Climate Zombies)
Bear Hair In My Suitcase (ErocNet)
Beyond My Fears (A Secret River)
Biograph (Gino Renebrant (Trubadur))
Black Diamonds (Empresses)
Bleep Hertz (ErocNet)
Bleep Hertz Vol.2 (ErocNet)
Blender (ErocNet)
Blue Prints : A Downfall Records Compilation (Doughnut Overcook)
Blue Prints : A Downfall Records Compilation (Doughnut Overcook)
Blues (ErocNet)
Blues For Richard (Dadala)
Buckle The Fuck up Bastards, Nasty Nancy is Here (Blimey)
Burning Sun (Oakland)
Button Box (ErocNet)
Category Errors (ErocNet)
CD 6 • 2006 (Kitchen Radio System)
Celestial Fields (A Secret River)
Chapel (ErocNet)
Chapter One (Codex XIII)
Cherrybomb (Hellfuckers)
Chicks Are For Fags I'm Nannis (WheelChairs901)
Choices (Climate Zombies)
Colours of Solitude (A Secret River)
Col[-...]lages Volume Two (ErocNet)
Col[.--.]lages Volume Three (ErocNet)
Col[_;,;]lages Volume One (ErocNet)
Come what may (ErocNet)
Con Dolor Del Alma (WheelChairs901)
Contact Compilation 6 (ErocNet)
Contact Compilation 7 (ErocNet)
Contact Compilation 9 (ErocNet)
Contacts [EP] (ErocNet)
Covers on the Rocks (Coverup)
Cursed (Provoke Your Enemy)
Dé é Orättvist (Souper Swamp Singers)
Death-Defying Feats and Illusions (ErocNet)
Demo (I Killed A Leprechaun At The Carnival)
Demo (Victimized)
Demo (Victimized)
Demo (Gino Renebrant med Duo)
Demo #3 (Seppuku)
Demo 05 (The Transposers)
Demo 1987 (Trazer)
Demo I (Angelita & The Frogs)
Demo II (Angelita & The Frogs)
Dependence on Malevolence (Demonium)
Det Lyser En Stjärna (friLANTZarna)
Detective Works (ErocNet)
Devils and Angels (ErocNet)
Dont Be Late (Country Connection Band)
Dont't Lie To Me (Empresses)
Double Deuce (Double Deuce)
Doughnut Overcook (Doughnut Overcook)
Doughnut Overcook (Doughnut Overcook)
Doughnut Overcook (Doughnut Overcook)
Downhearted (Bash Brothers)
Dreamland (ErocNet)
Driver (Driver)
Ductworks (ErocNet)
Dumper (Dumper)
Duopoly (ErocNet)
Ekblecket (Ekblecket)
Eksjö-Pop (Järn-Henrik)
Eksjöån (Studio PrioEtt)
Electropop 15 (Climate Zombies)
Electropop 16 (Climate Zombies)
Electropop 17 (Climate Zombies)
Electropop 18 (Climate Zombies)
Electropop 20 (Climate Zombies)
Electropop 21 (Climate Zombies)
Electropop 22 (Climate Zombies)
Empresses 1 (Black Diamonds)
Empresses 2 (Black Diamonds)
Empresses 3 (Black Diamonds)
End It Now (Piyasiri)
Ensam Vinner Krig (Von Bacchi)
Epileptic (Hellfuckers)
Everything Got Something Wrong With It (ErocNet)
Evil Ways (Lazy Ambition)
Expanding Talk (ErocNet)
Face It (Straight A's)
Fakeship (Blimey)
Fäm Smutsiga Små Fingrar/Space (Souper Swamp Singers)
Father To A Son (Faces In The Forest)
Fever Dream (ErocNet)
Fielen Danke? (Souper Swamp Singers)
File Under: Miscellaneous (ErocNet)
Finding the Vertex (ErocNet)
Fingertip Halo (ErocNet)
Five Song Demo (My Last Reverie)
Fönsterfärg & Raj-raj POPVISOR FRÅN LANDET (Håkan i Hult & Kjell Ljunggrens Band)
For Japan, an ImprovFriday benefit release (ErocNet)
Forbidden Paradise (dj STÜRM)
Forever and Ever (Climate Zombies)
Forgotten Fables (I Killed A Leprechaun At The Carnival)
Four Egg And No Banan (Souper Swamp Singers)
Four Night Scenes (ErocNet)
Fragile (Straight A's)
Frälst! (Sambandet)
Friendship (Andy O´Leany´s)
Frihetsdrömmen (Gino Renebrant (Trubadur))
From the Vault: 2011 (ErocNet)
Fucked Up Good & Left Alone (1997-1999 demos) (Doughnut Overcook)
Further Journey (ErocNet)
Fury Of The Horizon (Abstract Noise)
Genotypes (Seppuku)
Ghost of Me (Nine Orders)
Gino Renebrant (Gino Renebrant (Trubadur))
Give Me 13 (Pejnäs Ork)
Gone (Deflections)
Goodbye (The New Black Diamonds)
Gud Är! (Sambandet)
Guitars: An Anthology Of Experimental Solo Guitar Music (ErocNet)
Halloween Monster Mega-Soundtrack (ErocNet)
Halloweird (ErocNet)
Hans-Åkes Orkester (Hans-Åkes Orkester)
Harmonics (ErocNet)
Hatar Er (Röd Revolver)
Hedgerows 2 (ErocNet)
Hello (Spinjive)
Hembrännarligan (Hembrännarligan)
History of... (Svarta Maja)
Holding On (ErocNet)
Hornitos (På Mé Fritt)
Hotellträdgården (Studio PrioEtt)
House in tha House (Piyasiri)
Hugo Fjäderben 2023 (Von Bacchi)
I Ain't Your Romeo (Pejnäs Ork)
I can't even remember whose party this is (ErocNet)
I Eksjö Stá (Hemvärnets Musikkår Eksjö)
I Feel So Alone (Climate Zombies)
I Feel So Alone (Extended) (Climate Zombies)
I Runda Tal (Souper Swamp Singers)
I Stadens Kvarter (Studio PrioEtt)
I'm Back (The New Black Diamonds)
Ibland Får Man Till Det... (Malin Fjällman)
If We All Were Bones (ErocNet)
ImprovFriday Vol. 2 (ErocNet)
In Between (The New Black Diamonds)
in kommer TOM LP nr TEN (Souper Swamp Singers)
In Medias Res (Orbit Culture)
In The Name Of Liberation (The New Black Diamonds)
In The Raw (Tumbleweed)
Inana (ErocNet)
Infinite Vista (ErocNet)
Inget Man Pratar Om På Festen Direkt (Svenskt Tonarkiv)
Into The Gate Of The Demons (Codex XIII)
Into the Storm (Empresses)
Into The Storm (The New Black Diamonds)
It Came From The Toilet (Mogens Klyvare Hose-Band MKHB)
it so happens (ErocNet)
It's Complicated (ErocNet)
It´s a pink punkrock world (Hellfuckers)
Jacob's Well (The Chauffeur)
Jag, Mig & Mitt (Malin Fjällman)
Jesus Kommer (Eksjöpojkarna)
Jiggery Pokery (Jiggery Pokery)
Joe Cool Of (CKL 089) (Souper Swamp Singers)
Julsånger År 2000 (Tomtenissarna På Adolfsnäs)
Kalla Sinnen (Von Bacchi)
Kalles Bolag (Studio PrioEtt)
Kampsång (Von Bacchi)
KDSD (Röd Revolver)
Kezita (Kezita)
Killing Time (Lazy Ambition)
King or Queen (Climate Zombies)
Kisses Out Of Desperation (Moranes)
Kitchen Radio System (Kitchen Radio System)
Knavrabopojkarna (Knavrabopojkarna)
Kungens Band 2020 (Kungens Band)
Lazy Ambition (Lazy Ambition)
Lazy Ambition (Lazy Ambition)
Le Exquisité Collage #1 (ErocNet)
Le Exquisité Collage #1 (Reissue) (ErocNet)
Leaving for the Country (Oakland)
Left behind (Lazy Ambition)
Lennarts Konditori och Café (Studio PrioEtt)
Let's Go (Piyasiri)
Life Lessons (Bash Brothers)
Like Any Other Day Until (EP) (ErocNet)
Live - II (Hon & Dom)
Live @ Säljeryd 2016-07-04 (Oaklake Space Collective)
Live @ Säljeryd 2017-07-07 (Oaklake Space Collective)
Live at Almenas Celler (Pistolese)
Live at OPUS 1 (Tumbleweed)
Live Demoteket Eksjö Stadsbibliotek (Gratis Insana)
Live In Barlinek (Progject)
Live Pop i VP 2005 (BootCamp LickTers)
Living in a Cold World (Climate Zombies)
Looper's Delight 11-11-11 Project (ErocNet)
Looper's Delight 12-12-12 Project (ErocNet)
Lost Son (Benjamin Havskog med band)
Love Until You Die (Climate Zombies)
Love Until You Die (Unplugged) (Climate Zombies)
Mabostropa Inc - Live (Mabostropa Inc)
Mash Blue (ErocNet)
mash hits vol. 1 (ErocNet)
Med Jesus Är Livet Lättare (Mjäll)
Memory Flow (ErocNet)
Midsummer (ErocNet)
Mindstunt ()
Monotronous (ErocNet)
Monster Piece (Hell-Us)
Mood Shift (ErocNet)
Moonmagic (Moonmagic)
Move (Lazy Ambition)
My Cousin And Me (Oakland)
My Dream (Cattis and The Gang)
Mysteries (ErocNet)
Nära Dig ()
Nartur-ligt-vis (Gino Renebrant (Trubadur))
NATO (Röd Revolver)
Near The East Coast Of Honshu (ErocNet)
News Week Vision (ErocNet)
NightScape (ArsAgito)
None Night Of Flexipop 2 (Seppuku)
Numbere 3 (Souper Swamp Singers)
Oaklake (Straight A's)
Obliterate (Siphon the Mammon)
Oblivion (Hell-Us)
Odyssey (Orbit Culture)
Oh, Sweet Absence (Oh, Sweet Absence)
Once Bitten Twice Shy (Mad Dogs)
onomatopoetic synesthesia: 3, 2, 1 Contact! (ErocNet)
Open The Window (ErocNet)
Orbit Culture (Orbit Culture)
Oss Emellan (Evelina Helgesson (Artist/Band))
Our Time (ErocNet)
ourspace.come (ArsAgito)
Pang I Bygget (IQ-Zero)
Paranormal Voices (ErocNet)
Partybåt (Piyasiri)
Pejnäs Ork (Pejnäs Ork)
Pejnäs Ork (Pejnäs Ork)
Pictures (One A Day)
Pink Freud (Pink Freüd)
Pop i Sommarnatt 2005 (Svarta Maja)
Pop i Sommarnatt 2006 (The Transposers)
Pop i VP 2005 (På Mé Fritt)
ppp (ErocNet)
Progject (Progject)
Projekt Mutant (Projekt Mutant)
Psychedelacoustic Vol. 12 (ErocNet)
Put Your Hands Up (Piyasiri)
Queen Without A Crown (Lazy Ambition)
Rasen (Orbit Culture)
Rätta Takter (Rätta Takter)
Rätta Takter (Rätta Takter)
Raw (Trust The Hangman)
Ready To Rock (Long John)
Redemption Day (The New Black Diamonds)
Relaxation (Piyasiri)
Reload (The New Black Diamonds)
Remembering Jeff Duke (ErocNet)
Reminiscent (Seppuku)
Resistance Is Futile (ErocNet)
Rocking Chair (Hammock Safari)
Ruins (Siphon the Mammon)
S/T (Bash Brothers)
S/T (T-Reble)
Sahlgaards (Minnenas butik) (Studio PrioEtt)
Sången Väller Fram (Eksjö PRO-kör)
Seance (ErocNet)
Seek (ErocNet)
Seppuku (Seppuku)
Seppuku (Seppuku)
Sex Fot Under (Röd Revolver)
Shadow Plays (ErocNet)
Shared Circle (ErocNet)
Shifting Wind (ErocNet)
Show I (Circus)
Shut Up U Scary Monsters (Jimmy The Vagabond)
Sing Along With Two Of Us (Life) (Souper Swamp Singers)
Sing With The Legends (The New Black Diamonds)
Sjunger Egna Sånger (Torbjörn Helander (Trubadur))
Skitz Mix 34 (Piyasiri)
Skitz Mix 35 (Piyasiri)
Song From My Room ()
Songs from the 7th garden (The VillageMill Project)
Songs From The Village Mill (Earl and Dallas)
Songs You'll Like If You Have Good Taste (Doughnut Overcook)
Souper Swamp Singers (Souper Swamp Singers)
Spelverket - Live (Doughnut Overcook)
Spelverket - NITTIFEM (Circus)
St. Thomas' Gate (Nine Orders)
Strange Neighborhood (ErocNet)
Summer End (ErocNet)
Summer Mirages (ErocNet)
Svarta Maja (Svarta Maja)
Svartmyra (Röd Revolver)
Swedish Beat Vol. 3 (The Shandies)
SWEDISH MEATBALLS Vol 2 - The Psychedelic Hard Rock Underground 1970 - 1977 (Mogens Klyvare Hose-Band MKHB)
Syfilis 001 (Pejnäs Ork)
Take On Me (Fair Child)
Talismans (ErocNet)
Tar Ton (Lantz-laget)
Ten years and fifteen minutes (Oh, Sweet Absence)
The Ants Journey Part 1 (Art of PEACH)
The BFW Christmas Album 2014 (ErocNet)
The birth and death of a star (V31)
The Black Orange (Lord of the Black Orange)
The Day Before The Day (Climate Zombies)
The End and the Beginning (Oakland)
the executive suite (ErocNet)
The Greatest Bands You've Never Heard (Doughnut Overcook)
The Ides of March (ErocNet)
The Lighthouse (ErocNet)
The Little Things (Oakland)
The Many Voices In Our Heads (ErocNet)
The Mind Wanders (ErocNet)
The Original (Piyasiri)
The Shandies (The Shandies)
The Sound of Moranes (Moranes)
The Stone Age Of Rock'n Roll! (Souper Swamp Singers)
The Summer Sessions 2018 (ErocNet)
The Toilet Sessions (Blimey)
The Wind (ErocNet)
Things That Make No Sense (Pejnäs Ork)
This Is Where The End Begins (Abstract Noise)
Those To Blame (Luffarna)
Through Fire (The New Black Diamonds)
Time To Dance (Piyasiri)
Time To Face The Music (Dadala)
To Late (Faces In The Forest)
Together (Thomas Nordbrandt & Celia Wennerström)
Tomorrow Belongs To Us (Doughnut Overcook)
Train of Rock n' Roll (Lazy Ambition)
Tranans Dans (På Mé Fritt)
Trästadskänslor (Studio PrioEtt)
Trästadskänslor (Studio PrioEtt)
Traveler (ErocNet)
Truncated (Oaklake Space Collective)
Tuesday, Thursday (Oh, Sweet Absence)
Turistinformation 600m (Souper Swamp Singers)
Twisted Sounds In Black & White (Hellfuckers)
Two Minutes Left (ErocNet)
Unbreakable (Black Diamonds)
Uncool (Souper Swamp Singers)
Under The Sun (Jimmy The Vagabond)
Unfocused Prayers (ErocNet)
Unforeseen Consequences (Vol1) (ErocNet)
Unforeseen Consequences (Vol2) (ErocNet)
Up To A Point; collected Sound-In Mashups (ErocNet)
Ur Munnen, Direkt! (Mathias Jonsson)
Ursäkta Röran Vol 1: Vi Sprängde Hela Skiten (Blimey)
Ursäkta Röran Vol 6 - Dårskapen Styr (Von Bacchi)
Vår Tid Nu (Studio PrioEtt)
Var Vid Gott Mod (Bruzabröderna)
Vigilance (The Chauffeur)
Voices in the Room (ErocNet)
Vol 2 (Bash Brothers)
VOL I (På Mé Fritt)
Volume 1 (The Shandies)
Volume One (Moonmagic)
Wait Out the Storm (ErocNet)
Waiting For You (Lazy Ambition)
Waste My Love (The New Black Diamonds)
Waves (ErocNet)
We Are Climate Zombies (Climate Zombies)
We Hear Footsteps (ErocNet)
Weraldion Testautaz (Surtr)
What We Feel (ErocNet)
Wheel of Fortune # 4 Compilation (ErocNet)
Wheel of Fortune # 5 Compilation (ErocNet)
Wheel of Fortune # 6 Compilation (ErocNet)
Wheel of Fortune # 7 Compilation (ErocNet)
Wheel of Fortune # 8 Compilation (ErocNet)
Wheel of Fortune #10 Compilation (ErocNet)
Wheel of Fortune #9 Compilation (ErocNet)
Where Are Your Eyes (Lazy Ambition)
Where Great Oaks Grow (Earl and Dallas)
Where The End Begins (Jimmy The Vagabond)
Whois Fensemble? (The Transposers)
Will I See You Again (Oakland)
Winter's Warmth (ErocNet)
Witchmaster (Demonium)
with brass-lines (ErocNet)
With Erocnet (ErocNet)
With Erocnet 2 (ErocNet)
With Friends Like These (ErocNet)
Work Hard (Climate Zombies)
Worldwide Underground Against War (Röd Revolver)
Worldwide Underground Against War (Röd Revolver)
X-Teen Revolution (Dumper)
Yeah! 45 (Gino Renebrant (Trubadur))
You Rule (Piyasiri)
You'll be alright and I'll be okay! (Session)
Zee Ducer And The Soul Unit (Zee Ducer And The Soul Unit)
Zolpidem (Von Bacchi)
Öppna Dina Knutna Händer (Ingatorps Ungdomskör)